Wednesday 21 September 2011

Each step forward...

creates new steps to be taken.  I have had a very positive day, starting with meeting our accountant for the first time and then finalising the business account, but it really did result in an even longer to do list.  Next time I will make sure I have some of the team with me because I realised today how much there is to learn about running a business, business law, employment, tax and so much more.  We all need to take every opportunity to learn and make joint decisions as they arise.   

The day has made me think, perhaps as we learn and move on, we can create an accessible guide about the stages to start up a business.  It could be useful when we begin working with new people and during inductions.  Working on projects such as accessible guides would give us the chance to pass on all the new things we are learning and the business skills we hope to develop.

The next thing to do is to sit down with the list and decide who will do what, set some deadlines and be ready for more hard work and exciting challenges.

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